Quarantine report configuration

MailCleaner Support
Added over 7 years ago

If you think your users dont get the quarantine message the way they should, here is how to investigate the case and how to correct it if need be.
All commands have to be run on the master node if you run a MailCleaner cluster.

How are managed the quarantine preferences

The administrator can set quarantine preferences for all the users of a domain but each user is allowed to overcharge those preferences.

Finding out if a quarantine report has been sent

You need to connect to the Linux command line to find out if a given user had a quarantine report for a given date.

grep 'user@domain.tld' /var/mailcleaner/log/mailcleaner/summaries_20161119.log

will show if user@domain.tld had a quarantine report on the 19/11/2016.

zgrep '@domain.tld' /var/mailcleaner/log/mailcleaner/summaries_201611*

will show all quarantine reports sent during the 11th month of 2016 to users of @domain.tld's domain

The lines you ll get from those command will show you if a report was sent and if it was correctly accepted by the destination server. If it was correctly accepted and your user didnt get the message, you will have to investigate on the destination server s logs.

Domain versus users preferences

The main reason for not getting the quarantine reports as planned is that the users preferences are overcharging the domains preferences. To check this point, once connected to the Linux command line, you will need to run the MySQL client with :

mc_mysql -m mc_config

then the command :

select daily_summary, weekly_summary, monthly_summary from user_pref, user where user_pref.id=user.pref and user.username = 'user@domain.tld';

will show you the preferences for the user user@domain.tld.

the commands :

select username, daily_summary, weekly_summary, monthly_summary from user_pref, user where user_pref.id=user.pref and user.domain = 'domain.tld';
select address, daily_summary, weekly_summary, monthly_summary from user_pref, email where user_pref.id=email.pref and email.address like "%domain.tld";

will show you the preferences for all the users of the domain @domain.tld.

If you want all users of domain.tld to have daily summary, this will do the trick :

update user_pref, user set daily_summary=1, weekly_summary=0, monthly_summary=0 where user_pref.id=user.pref and user.domain = "domain.tld";
update user_pref, user set daily_summary=1, weekly_summary=0, monthly_summary=0 where user_pref.id=email.pref and email.address like "%domain.tld";