Password protected archives : Manage a whitelist

MailCleaner Support
Added over 5 years ago

When you set the feature

Configuration->Content Protection->Message format controls->Password protected archives

to block, you may want to whitelist some domains from this feature.

To do so, please connect to your MailCleaner server (if you use MailCleaner in cluster mode connect to the master) and use

In the examples below use the sending domain in the place of 'domain.tld'

To add domain.tld to the whitelist for this feature, use : add domain.tld

To remove domain.tld to the whitelist for this feature, use : del domain.tld

For each server, you then need to restart

Monitoring->Filtering MTA

(or if you prefer to do it on command line, you need to run on each server :

/usr/mailcleaner/etc/init.d/mailscanner restart ms
