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Manage quarantines in Exchange - O365 - Outlook

# Manage quarantines in Exchange - O365 - Outlook If you do not want to manage quarantines on Ma...

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Reindex Log Files

# Work in Progress Script is not published yet. ## Purpose MailCleaner has a script at `/usr/m...

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Cloning a 2016 version of MailCleaner to a 2019 version

If you have a 2016.xx version of MailCleaner (or earlier) and want to migrate it to our latest ve...

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Extended SPF

The standard use of SPF is described in >

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Disabling FuzzyOCR module for Spamassassin

## Information FuzzyOCR is a SpamAssassin module which allows text detection inside pictures. ##...

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MailCleaner API Documentation

Download the **mailcleaner-api.tar.gz** and open the **index.html** file

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Inserting black/white lists in bulk

Our advice on black or whitelists is to use them as little as possible. In our opinion they shoul...

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# Fail2ban Usage in MailCleaner <hr/> *Jump straight to [`unban`](#Fail2Ban-management-command)...

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Cloning the same MailCleaner

This procedure **DOES NOT** apply to creating an extra node for the cluster. These instructions a...

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Bash vulnerability

MailCleaner will be automatically patched very soon regarding this vulnerability. However, pleas...

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Newsletter marked with "?Spam" tag

There is no unique tag for newsletters, so if you don't want the **{spam?}** tag you need to set ...

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Back scattering

This is rare spam attack. The spammers are faking error messages. For example if you send a real...

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Installation of MailCleaner options or add-ons

### Introduction In order to make your MailCleaner options installation easier, we provided an i...

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White list… why to avoid using it. See also: message#10

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Kernel Update

The current version of MailCleaner originally shipped with a rather old version of the Linux kern...

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Ciphers support

Some of you are wondering why MailCleaner is supporting weak ciphers. We do so to propose the max...

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SNMP Shell Script

This is a shell script provided by the community in order to checks the MailCleaner overall statu...

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Newsletter issues

- a newsletter was quarantined despite the domain being configured in "Allow Newsletters by defau...

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Exim 4.94 Upgrade

There have been disclosures made for several critical vulnerabilities with the Exim MTA which is ...

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MailCleaner Demo Server Configuration

## Access to MailCleaner Demo (reference configuration) Some customers report that this is diffi...

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How to resolve mail spoofing problems

To avoid mail spoofing (forged mails), you can use authentication this way: 1) *(OPTIONNAL !!! : ...

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Remove a node from cluster

# Preparation Fist of all, you have to remove this node from your domain's MX record. Be sure th...

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# What are RBLs RBLs are "Real time Blacklists/Blocklists" This is to say that it is mechanism ...

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Is there a way to whitelist addresses for outbound messages?

The feature to whitelist an address for outbound messages does not currently exist. This feature...

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Advantages of the MailCleaner solution with Microsoft Office 365

### Newsletters detection function MailCleaner has a newsletters detection feature allowing users...

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MailCleaner InfoBox - The new way to communicate

Dear Customers, we published a new InfoBox intended to facilitate the communication between you,...

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I am getting blacklisted

You have been blacklisted and you want to know why. The first thing to check is for an unusual a...

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Too much VIRUS/Malwares/Trojans pass through MailCleanner

Hello, PLEASE verify first: message#35 because this issue is normally solved ---------------- ...

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DNS resolver for MailCleaner

## How to configure DNS resolver for MailCleaner. | **WARNING** : Don't use public DNS (i.e Goog...

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How to create a ticket with all informations

Minimizing respond time by providing essential information at ticket creation really improve our ...

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Low the scores linked to LOTS_OF_MONEY

If the mail flow of one (or several) of your users is impacted with our rules about LOTS_OF_MONEY...

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Getting the summary reports more frequently than daily

MailCleaner sends summaries about the mail caught in spam filters per day, week or month. If you...

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CPU dependencies for MailCleaner-MachineLearning Module

# CPU dependencies for MailCleaner-MachineLearning Module CPUs have different sets of instructio...

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SPF configuration

SPF is a very usefull tool to help fighting versus spams and phishings, we strongly recommand to ...

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How to configure a valid certificate in MailCleaner

# How to configure a valid certificate in MailCleaner By default, MailCleaner uses a self-signed...

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Spectre - Meltdown

Following the announcement of Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities, we have installed the latest ...

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GitHub Branches

# Notice Work-in-progress document discussing future MailCleaner development. The 'Legacy' model...

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Minimum requirements

For production environment, make sure that your hardware meets the minimum requirements: * 2 CPU...

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How to release a mail blocked in dangerous content quarantine

If your MailCleaner is hosted by a MailCleaner Partner or by your company, just contact your IT a...

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How to configure MailCleaner on our cloud, when you got your login ?

Hello, You ll need to do at least these 3 things to make MailCleaner working, secure, and efficie...

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Configuration of MailCleaner AntiSpam with Microsoft Office 365

# Office 365 From **Configuration->Domains** If you have not already created the domain, selec...

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Password protected content blocked in content Quarantine

If you want to whitelist a sending domain towards this feature, please read : > https://support.m...

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Configure your Google account if using MailCleaner in front

This is a an extract of the official documentation of Google : source:

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Log mails subjects and/or attachments names

By default, MailCleaner doesnt log mails subjects nor the attachment names. This is due to the fa...

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MailCleaner sur Amazon Web Services (AWS) FR

## !!!!!!Pour le moment MailCleaner n'est plus disponible sur AWS ( 2023/06/15 ) ## VERSIO...

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Modifying Enterprise MailCleaner Source Code

MailCleaner Source Code is GPL, and easily available on your MailCleaner Virtual Appliance, for C...

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Not a spam ? How to request a filter adjustment

On the quarantine page: 1. Click on the filter adjustment request icon next to the message of int...

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Monitoring MailCleaner with SNMP

Setting up MailCleaner external monitoring via SNMP. ## How MailCleaner is providing monitoring ...

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Password protected archives : Manage a whitelist

When you set the feature > Configuration->Content Protection->Message format controls->Password ...

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SMTP Address Verification on Exchange Servers

Exchange does not natively reject invalid addresses during the SMTP connection. This can cause p...

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